5 Questions on Analogue Photography with Florian Reischauer

Posted on 11/12/2011 by UNITED PHOTO PRESS MAGAZINE

In our ongoing series "5 Questions on Analogue Photography with…" we send out the same set of questions to photographers. This time Florian Reischauer, founder of the blog Pieces of Berlin, answered them and prepared a gallery for us about Berlin's everyday life.

Name: Florian Reischauer
Occupation: Photographer
Country: from Austria, living in Berlin

1. Tell us about yourself in three sentences maximum?I grew up in Austria’s countryside – moved to Vienna studying photography – tried out berlin and fell in love.

2. Why do you still shoot analogue?
Watching a polaroid coming out of the camera, a picture slowly appearing in front of you, seeing that process – or bringing a freshly licked exposed roll film to the lab and waiting for its results – that’s beautiful and thrilling. But yes thats just one reason.
The colors and tones are much more real, much more life – a memory, a picture in your head is for me like an analogue photo, never can be a digital one. And I have a passion for old cameras, playing around with its failures. I love incidences of light, you can’t control them – digital is just… boring.

3. What photographic equipment (cameras, films and accessories) do you usually have in your bag?
I always carry an old 6×6 folding camera with me, a gossen lunasix lightmeter, a smalll detachable flash, a couple of Agfa Optima 100/200 or Kodak Porta 160/400, that’s it.
4. Share a trick of yours that will always result to a great photo.
Don’t be shy.

5. What photographers influence your work?
3, I really like: Stefanie Schneider, Bruce Davidson, Richard Avedon
Thanks to Florian for taking the time to answer our questions. Check out his blog Pieces of Berlin and meet Berlin and its Berliners the analogue way. Become a fan on facebook or twitter. See more of Florians work on his website flowkey.net.